
She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,
She wore her greenest gown;
She turned to the south wind
And curtsied up and down.
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbour:
"Winter is dead".

-AA Milne

The daffodils are covering our front walk and curtsying to the wind. We got our first taste of summer sun this week. How fitting that the farmer's market is newly opened! I have something a little different for you to listen to today. I sometimes think of Susanna Clarke as a new Edith Nesbit, although her novel Jonnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is far more complex than Nesbit's children's books. However, "The Dweller in High Places" is a short story of hers, as magical and decidedly English as The Railway Children, or others in that vein. Give it a listen here (its broken into two parts). I'm also in love right now with the photography from bugheart (pics above) and the approaching spring. I cannot wait for the sun to come out again.


Above: the new collection of Penguin Classics designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith. Each book is stunning. See here for a closer look. I'm especially lusting after Dorian Grey and Crime & Punishment...I'm also dying to get my hands on Wendell Berry's new book Imagination in Place (review here). On another note, sun and the lingering notes of Iron&Wine have made these days of lazy break perfection itself: listen


Moving forward aint so easy this morning - I went to a 8:30 mass at what turned out to be 9:30. Sigh. On another note, reading Wolf Willow by Wallace Stegner - excelent. and I can't get enough of Justin Townes Earle. (see Crazy Heart by the way – That movie has a good old fashioned country soul). Off to art history - finals are the bane of my life. Ta ta!

photos from Sally Scott


"Once place is as good as another, one use is as good as another, one life is as good as another – if the price is right. Thus political sentimentality metamorphoses into commercial indifference or aggression. This is the industrial doctrine of the interchangeability of parts, and we apply it to places, to creatures, and to our fellow humans is if it were the law of the world, using all the while a sort of middling language, imitated from the sciences, that cannot speak of heaven or earth, but only of concepts. This is the rhetoric of nowhere, which forbids a passionate interest in, let alone a love of, anything in particular"
- Wendell Berry, Life is a Miracle

sounds of today here - a new cd is in the makings & there is so much music to learn.

Too much art history and rain today.


The brawling of a sparrow in the eaves
The brilliant moon and all the milky sky,
And all that famous harmony of leaves,
Had blotted out man's image and his cry.
- W. B. Yeats

sounds of today here

images from Abby Try Again