
I'll fly away, oh glory

gonna go hear this lady sing her heart out tonight
and then onto the road and hi-ho for Bellingham
i'm over and out, and leavin this behind

photos from here


Beauty therefore is a relation, and the apprehension of it a comparison. The sense of beauty in fact is a comparison, is it not? And yet we have not said what beauty is...I am sure there is in the higher forms of beauty - at least I seem to feel - something mystical, something I don't know how to call it. Is not there now something beyond what you [can] explain?
- G. M. Hopkins on the Origin of Beauty
above: photograph of Picasso

I have great faith in all things not yet spoken
- R. M. Rilke

Rodin - above and beyond - at first I was interested because Rilke studied with him, later intruiged by his sculptures, which are fairly extraordinary, but then I discovered his drawings and now I'm in love. On a completely different note, this is a flapper summer: F. Scot Fitzgerald, bob-ed hair, a little this, and this (they're acomin to town, mark your calenders).


My day in a photostream: left my cellphone in the car which began the day with wondering how we all survived without them before and if it wouldn't be better if we could go back in time - fresh basil in a Tuesday mornin crepe - friends bicyclin to 23rd to meet - and an evening breeze right now, wafting down our street.
Notes: Dostoyevsky is incredible and incredibly confusing. Charles D'ambrosio is a writer and a half. Tin House makes a mean magazine. Dylan is addicting. '60's glasses too big whatever you do and chemtrails exist.
Footnotes: song of the day. blog of the day.


I love Olga's photography (above). She's changed blogs...see her new one here.
I want to run off to someplace like this as soon as possible.
But until then, there's Shakespeare In the Park this week to enjoy.
If you live around, you should definitely give it a whirl.


There's a morning where presence comes over you,
and you sing like a rooster in your earth-colored shape
- Rumi

above: my day in a nutshell.
there's nothing better than baby showers.

on a completely different note, i'm on a Dylan craze, hence, this.
and for laughs - this.

photos by moxiee


O Then, weary then why should we tread? O why are we so
haggard at the heart, so care-coiled, care-killed, so fagged,
so fashed, so cogged, so cumbered,

When the thing we freely forfeit is kept with fonder a care,
Fonder a care kept than we could have kept it, kept
Far with fonder a care (and we, we should have lost it) finer,
A care kept. - Where kept? Do but tell us where kept,
where. -
Yonder. - What high is that! We follow, now we follow. -
Yonder, yes yonder, yonder,

- G. M. Hopkings, The Golden Echo


welcome to the winsome whimsical, magical month of June! something old. and something new. do you know Daytrotter? well if you don't let me introduce you...and also, better start buying up tickets for the Pickathon. They're goin fast.

photo above from for the love of light